

The Coalition for the Homeless is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors. The Board actively oversees the activities of the Coalition for the Homeless—setting long-term goals and priorities as well as monitoring the Coalition’s financial, administrative, and personnel policies and approving major new program initiatives. To accomplish these tasks, the board meets five times yearly in regular meetings, with special meetings of board officers and board committees as necessary.

If you have questions or concerns about the Coalition’s programs and services, please contact Michael Ferrell, Executive Director, at 202-347-8870, or email – mferrell@dccfh.org.  Thank you.

Board Officers

Richard Appleton
Acting Chairman

Matthew S. Galvez

Andrew Grimaldi
Vice Treasurer

Delese Harvey
Board Secretary

Executive Staff

Lucho Vásquez
Executive Director

John M. Nwaogbe
Director of Finance and Administration

Advisory Board

Peter Gartlan
Michael Mazer
Gerald McCorkle
N. Derek Wilkinson 

The Story of Wilbert Akins and his daughter

Mr. Wilbert Atkins was unemployed and lived between family members and homeless shelters. When Mr. Atkins gained custody of his daughter Sasha, she became Mr. Atkins motivation to improve his life. Mr. Atkins and his daughter entered the 50th Street Family Program on January 12, 2015. In January 2018, after receiving supportive services from the Coalitions’ 50th Street Family Program for over a year, Wilbert Atkins, a single father, and his daughter Sasha moved into permanent affordable housing. They love their new place and Sasha is doing well in school. Mr. Atkins stated that he feels like a man again and a productive father.  He works full-time as an Information Technology technician at the Office of Chief Technology Officer (OCTO).  Today, this family is safe, warm and self-sufficient.

Through your donation, you can help create more success stories like this one for residents of the District of Columbia that are struggling with homelessness.

Make a Donation


  • 1234 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite C-1015
  • DC, Washington 20005
  • (202) 347-8870

Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service/Department of the Treasury.



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